Sunday, November 20, 2022

Florida sunshine?

 Hi folks!

No sunshine in Florida. And darn cold to boot. After freezing yesterday, along with intermittent drizzle, we decided to stay put at our anchorage about 1p miles north of St. Augustine. During my time in Fernandina there was very little sun and that has continued since coming back over the line. And rain is in the forecast thru Friday. Definitely the worst weather of the trip has been in Florida.

We had hoped to get a mooring in St. Augustine for a night but they are filled up so we may just stop for fuel tomorrow and keep moving. At least it is supposed to get up to 65 tomorrow so that is a step in the right direction. 

Cheers, Charlie


  1. Hi Charlie! I am praying you have sunny and warm days in the not-too-distant future. Maybe thinking of the fact that it is 19 degrees this morning in Burlington VT will make you feel a *little* warmer! ;) Love, Annie
