Thursday, August 25, 2022

I'm a slacker

Hi everyone/anyone,

I seem to be slipping on these posts. After a night at lock 4 we had a good day, albeit very rainy with a thunderstorm thrown in, on our way to the Castleton Boat Club. We got a mooring for the night and paid to use the crane in the morning. I was wondering how inflation may have hit the Boat Club, but it still cost only $55, which was what I believe I paid over 30 years ago. For comparison, at the marina where I used to work, it would have been over $400.

Yesterday morning found us at the dock, and Johannah getting a quick tutorial as a crane operator. I forgot to mention that I had made up a new forestay and  upper shroud, using materials that I had had shipped to the boat club. Shoutout to Vermont Sailing Partners for making that happen. The weather for stepping the mast was perfect. Flat calm, no wind, and no boat traffic, although we did wait for a barge to go by. The stepping really was a piece of cake. But I decided to opt for another night on the mooring, since we were most of the day getting the rigging sorted out, tuned, sail on, etc. It was also blisteringly hot which necessitated multiple swimming breaks. All in all a very productive day.

This morning had us up before daybreak and we fired up the engine at 0600. Yes, we are still a motorboat. It was flat calm most of the day, but with an occasional very light wisp of a breeze out of the south, which was the direction we were trying to go. Quite beautiful though, with a good bit of fog early. Saw some commercial traffic in the form of barges and tugs. Surprisingly light pleasure boat traffic. At 3PM we decided to drop anchor, just south of the Norrie Boat Basin. We'd have gone further but there are not many places to anchor over the next 30 miles or so. Actually, there are no places to anchor. The Hudson on that section is deep, right up to shore. But we had gotten over 50 miles in, so were content to stop  and put the swim ladder out. We also rowed into the boat basin and purchased some more ice. The icebox is not doing so well, what with hot temps and the engine running nearby all day long. But, we have been enjoying nice cool provisions and drinks since Orwell.

Sounds like potential thunderstorm activity tomorrow. My goal is to get within striking distance of the City and be in a good spot to weather the frontal passage. Calm conditions are supposed to prevail tonight, but I wouldn't want to be in this spot during a serious blow.

Trip is going well so far! Everybody is happy and well fed!

Cheers, Charlie and Johannah 

This photo is available thanks to Johannah's efforts and IT skills. She managed to set up my laptop using my phone as a mobile hotspot and a different screen pops up that gives me photo options. It looks way complicated, but I will see if I can learn this process. This photo is off my favorite historic lighthouse, the Esopus Meadows light. Lovely!

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