- Mary and I said goodbye to Maggie today and there were tears all around. We will really miss her and hope she has a good trip home.
About 2 weeks ago I forgot to put sunscreen on my lips and got a nasty sunburn there. It has been very slow to heal and I was quite worried about it so I decided to go to the clinic here, with no appointment and see if I could get it looked at. I fully expected it would kill the better part of the day and had no idea what it might cost. When I got there I entered into an immaculate ER type setting where I was immediately guided to an intake station and paperwork initiated. A few minutes later that task was out of the way and I was sent in to see a nurse, who performed an array of tests like blood pressure, pulse, temp, etc. Even gave a urine sample although I have no idea why that was needed. Then there was about a ten minute wait while I enjoyed reading a magazine about Regatta. I tell you, sloop sailing is huge down here! Then a doctor came and got me for an exam. He said it appeared to be healing, but he did want to prescribe an antibiotic to be certain. He also gave some advice on topical over the counter products and suggested that I take multivitamins as well. He then escorted me to the clinic pharmacy, located just off the main lobby. The pharmacist took the prescription and urged me to have a seat. There was about a 10 minute wait at the most, and my name was called. The bill for everything was $44.
That was $14 for the antibiotic, and $30 for everything else.
When I think of how much I have paid for medical care, mostly for health insurance, and how little I have actually used, I feel rather ill. This experience has really been quite an eye opener and makes me realise what a financial train wreck US health care is, especially for those on the margins.
Best to all, Charlie
You are so right about health care Charlie, glad you had a good experience and that you are healing now.