Thursday, October 25, 2018

Secret anchorage

Looks like a day or two of poor weather coming up so I decided to push through to my favorite anchorage on the East Coast. I discovered it 34 years ago just after having bought my boat and sailing north in the spring. Here is why I like it. 360 degree protection. The largest waves will be about 2 inches high in a gale force wind. It is completely surrounded by mud and soft grass. Steep banks prevent groundings. Nothing manmade. Nobody else comes here, that I have ever seen, therefore no one can drag in to me. Depth is perfect, a consistent 9 to 10 feet at low tide. If there is a negative, it is that a fairly good current runs through the creek and that can cause the usual annoyances when wind and tide oppose. The only hint I will give is that it is in South Carolina. The first time I came here I remember climbing the mast after dark and being able to see just 1 light off in the distance. Sadly, that is no longer true, but it is still a pretty quiet place.

Best to all, Charlie


  1. Hope you are safely tucked in, Charlie!

  2. Hey don't we get any more clues than that?? Front passed thru here last night, so hope that you are back underway soon.
    As to the ICW architecture, you can't ever underestimate the poor taste of the American homeowner.
    Keep on sailing!
    Chris Bill and Flaco the sailing dog
